
Conferencia “How do you leave a digital breadcrumb trail so that the world can discover you?”

Conferencia “Cultura de Servicio, la apuesta del futuro”

En nuestro 8° aniversario David C. Baker impartió la conferencia “How do you leave a digital breadcrumb trail so that the world can discover you?”. David es autor, conferencista y consultor apoyando a expertos emprendedores a tomar mejores decisiones de negocios.

Autor de 5 libros, de los cuales los más recientes son:

  • “Managing Right for the First Time”
  • “Financial Management of a Marketing Firm”
  • “The Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight to Impact + Wealth”

Algunos de los tips que dio fueron:

  1. “No risk.. No reward. It must be published”
  2. “Pov leads to forward or unsubscribe, yes or no, not meh”
  3. “Late night bars. Gridn, grind, grind. Really doing it for yourself, anyway, so don’t worry about who listens”.
  4. “Be a giver, to your audience and your competitiors. Karma leads to a better future”.
  5. “Marketing yourself is expanding your valuable impact. Give Google something to work with”.

You can change the trajectory of your professional life… and you can start today.

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